Monica Cecconi

21 Finborough Road, London, SW10 9DF Categories: Psychologist, Psychotherapist, HEALTH AND WELLNESS Italian Psychologist and Psychotherapist in Kensigton and Chelsea Italian Psychologist and Psychotherapist in London

After training in medicine and a specialisation in Unicist Homeopathy, I felt the need to better understand the human mind and to devote myself to the psychological suffering of people. Then, I obtained a second degree in Clinical Psychology and Health at the University of Florence and a specialisation in Cognitive constructivist psychotherapy at hermeneutic address.

In my psychotherapeutic practice, the person and its meanings are at the center of a work that can be defined as “four hands”. Considering the disorder as a “block” in the person’s ability to relationally experience fluidly and satisfactorily, and starting from the narratives of the client and understanding of his own personal vision of the world, psychotherapy tries to explore alternative ways of dealing with themselves and with others, lifting themselves from psychological suffering and allowing the client to resume a movement.

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