Italian Doctors
24E Little Russell St, Holborn, London WC1A 2HS, Regno Unito Categories: Acupuncture, Andrologist, Cardiology, Surgeon, Cosmetic Surgery, Dentist, Dermatologist, Dietician, Physical Therapist, Gynaecologist, Implantologist, Hypnotherapist, Doctor General Practitioner GP, Medical Specialist, Oculist, Odontologist, Oncologist, Orthopaedist, Osteopath, Obstetrics, Ear Nose Throat, Paediatrician, Podiatrist, Psychiatrist, Psychologist, Psychotherapist, HEALTH AND WELLNESS Italian doctors medical clinic in Holborn Italian doctors medical clinic in LondonItalian Doctors private medical clinic is located in Holborn, in the heart of London, and originates from the experience and development of the HPAR Italian Clinic which was created in 2013.
At Italian Doctors Medical Clinic we take care of the Italian and International community in London and in the UK. Our highly-qualified Consultants at Italian Doctors Medical Clinic offer evidence-based healthcare in Paediatrics, Dermatology, Gynaecology and Obstetrics, Cardiology and Cardiac Surgery, Plastic and Thoracic Surgery, ENT, Gastroenterology, Diabetology and Endocrinology, Internal Medicine and General Medicine, Neurology and Neurosurgery, Dentistry, Surgery, Dentistry, Surgery Maximal Surgery, Surgery and Pain Therapy, Psychiatry and Psychology.
Our Consultants work together with our Nutritionists, Osteopaths and Physiotherapists for a holistic approach aimed at improving quality of life of our patients and treatment success rates.
At Italian Doctors Medical Clinic we offer Ultrasound, Doppler and Echocardiography services for adults and children, as well as Pregnancy ultrasounds including 3D-4D images. Our Consultants use the most up-to-date diagnostic instruments, including Fibroscopy and Microscopy for ENT and Dentistry, and Electrocardiography (ECG).
Our Laboratory enhances our Services, allowing us to receive the majority of test results in 24 hours, thus minimizing the anxiety of our patients. All Services offered at Italian Doctors Medical Clinic have affordable prices and are available on weekends. Home visits for consultations and blood tests are available.
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Products and Services
- 3D/4D pregnancy ultrasound
- Addominal ultrasound
- Kidney and bladder ultrasound
- Cardiac ultrasound / echocardiogram
- Thiroyd ultrasound
- ENT fibroscopy
- Audiometric examination
- Pain therapy
- Surgical microscopy in ENT and destistry