Il Girasole

189 Garratt Lane, Southfields, London, SW18 4 DR Categories: FOOD, Restaurant Italian restaurant in Wandsworth Italian restaurant in London

Il Girasole is an authentic Italian restaurant with all Italian ingredients and products used for a real Italian experience. The design is rustic with all the furniture and decor imported from Italy. The restaurant is also currently displaying some artwork from a local artist which also brings out the warmth and character of the restaurant!

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1 Comment on Il Girasole

Report Subscribe 28/01/2015 13:57

The food here is amazing - homemade pasta, delicious sauces, warm and friendly welxome- and all at very reasonable prices. Just ate wild boar ragu with homemade tagliatelle and creamy to raise in a little pot. So yummy! Everything was fresh, tasty and beautifully presented. Wish I lived closer - I'd be here every week (and several stone heavier!!!).