Vincenzo Maurino

205-207 City Road, London, EC1V 1JN Categories: Surgeon, Oculist, HEALTH AND WELLNESS Italian surgeon and oculist in Hackney Italian surgeon and oculist in London

Advanced laser and implant-based surgical techniques for sight correction are safer than ever, allowing adults of all ages to have an active lifestyle free from spectacles and contact lenses.  Mr Maurino offers comprehensive direct care before, during and after surgery.

An official trainer and highly regarded implantable contact lens surgeon, Mr Maurino is Director of the Cataract Surgery Service at Moorfields Eye Hospital. He is a leading expert surgeon in cataract and lens exchange procedures using the latest femtosecond laser technology.  He has carried out over 25,000 eye procedures between laser, implantable contact lenses, cataract and refractive lens exchange and corneal transplant surgeries.

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1 Comment on Vincenzo Maurino

Report Subscribe 13/02/2014 18:51

Non so perche' ci ho messo tanto per decidermi a fare l'intervento alla vista col laser. Ma incontrare il dr. Maurino e' stato decisivo. Non si potrebbe essere in mani migliori! altamente raccomandato