
8 Follett Street, London, United Kingdom Categories: FOOD, Beer Beverages, Cafés Bars, Coffee, Cocktails Bar, Delicatessen Food, Bakery Confectionery, Pizza by the Slice, Pizzeria, Organic Products, Typical Products, Restaurant, Cafeteria, Wine Voucher in London Voucher in the UK

Spinhood is the new app that increases your spending power with no risk to reduce it! When you spin the wheel, you can either increase your credit up to 10 times or get it back.

Use the end credit to pay your bills in all the affiliated restaurants, in full flexibility.

The credit in fact doesn’t expire and you get to choose where and when to spend it.

Yes, you have red right, you can’t lose! What are you waiting to try it out?

Products and Services
  • Restaurant Vouchers
  • Restaurant Advertising

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1 Comment on Spinhood

Report Subscribe 10/04/2017 20:13

Strepitosa molto innovativa e intrigante