Sanghamitra Promotions LLP London UK

Suite 12A-8 Sheperd Market, London, W1J7JY Categories: Business Events Planning, SERVICES PRIVATE AND B2B Event Organisation in Westminster Event Organisation in London

Sanghamitra Promotions is an integrated communication, marketing and events firm, operating in four areas: entertainment, arts, music and cultural events; lifestyle concierge services; corporate events and marketing.

We operate as a social engine and cultural link among a wide array of people and institutions, creating connections and promoting multi-cultural contacts and exchanges, with the ultimate aim of generating both human and economic value.

We advise private and business clients on marketing/ communication tasks, run music, arts & entertainment production projects and manage social, corporate & cultural events.

Our direct audience is our own private hub, a diverse/ international network of contacts built through several years of activity and composed by likeminded individuals. Sanghamitra’s followers are professionals, entrepreneurs and artists who share our tension towards elegance and simplicity and embrace our vision of focused promotional platform, dedicated to quality and striving to facilitate the transition from unsustainable growth and profit maximisation to social progress and quality maximisation.

We are passionate about socialising and focused on the true quality of things, services and life experiences. Our aim is to communicate about quality in the most efficient and interesting way to both our followers and the broader public, so to unlock the full value of what we promote and make it easily accessible to our audience.

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