New Style Metal Multiservice ltd

28A, Queensway Bays water, London, W23RX Categories: Steel, FURNISHINGS, Artisan, Construction Companies, INDUSTRY AND ENVIRONMENT, Doors Gates, SERVICES HOME AND FAMILY, Handyman Repairs Construction company in Westminster Construction company in London

The New Style Metal Multiservice Ltd. is a building services brainchild of a team of business owners with over thirty years experience in the industry.

Our strength lies in being able to offer an excellent service at a competitive price being able to use innovative techniques and materials.

Contact us: qualified personnel, high-quality materials, the labor force will result in the best service at the lowest price.

Here are our main services:
– building renovation
– electrical installations
– plumbing services
– construction, and repair of iron gates and wooden
– gardening

Products and Services
  • costruzione e montaggio carpenteria metallica

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4 Comments on New Style Metal Multiservice ltd

Antonio D
Report Subscribe 01/08/2016 09:42

Ristrurazione bagno completo Smontaggio di tutto il vecchio Impianto idrico nuovo Ripristino del vecchio pavimento in legno montaggio del nuovo pavimento con sanitari nuovi e mattonelle sul muro con greca Lavoro eccellente e veloce

Marzia B
Report Subscribe 18/07/2016 09:55

Ristrutturazione completa di un bagno. Lavori eseguiti in modo soddisfacente: rinnovo impianto idraulico, muratura, pavimentazione, posa sanitari e piastrelle. Come speso accade in lavori di ristrutturazione in corso d'opera sono emerse alcune difficoltà tecniche inaspettate, nonostante ciò i lavori sono stati portati a termine quasi entro i termini stabiliti. Complete refurbishment of one bathroom. All works have been completed well including change of pipes, floor, tiles plus providing new toilet, basin and shower. As it often happens in restructuring works som eunexpected technical were to be delt with, nontheless works have been completed in good time.

Report Subscribe 04/05/2016 20:57

rinnovato casa totalmente very nice

Report Subscribe 08/03/2016 14:46

Lavoro eccellente con cordialita' e professionalita'