Maximo Italian Bistrot

58 Kennington Pk Rd, London, SE11 4RS Categories: FOOD, Cafés Bars, Coffee, Pizzeria, Restaurant, Catering Service Italian Restaurant and Pizzeria in Lambeth Italian Restaurant and Pizzeria in London

Maximo Italian Bistrot is the perfect restaurant in Kennington for a spot of romance, offering an air of discretion and comfort  that is sometimes hard to find.

Situated in front of the tube station, our restaurant is a popular choice amongst dining couples, but also for groups who are around here for the night. The two dining rooms are carefully furnished, with modern style  tables, candles and a very soft atmosphere.

You could easily forget you are in the heart of London’s bustling West End at Maximo Italian Bistrot, a fantastic destination for a meal for two in central London.

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1 Comment on Maximo Italian Bistrot

Report Subscribe 27/01/2015 10:50

Were in London trying to set up a business. By pure case we popped on this place... can't imagine what a big surprise it was for me and my Italian associate! Great food, friendly cosy ambiance... exactly like home at mamma's place. Just buonissimo!!! We will definitely book it with a big mark in our favorite places and will be back soon to enjoy Simona's Pasta! So... two Italians confirming the top rating of this place and will advertise it even in Zurich!!!