Maurizio Orani | Psicoterapeuta clinico e Counsellor
45 Central Street, London EC1V 8AB, United Kingdom Categories: Psychologist, Psychotherapist, HEALTH AND WELLNESS Italian Psychologist and Psychotherapist in Barbican Italian Psychologist and Psychotherapist in LondonEXPERTISE
Psychosomatic disorders and chronic diseases, anxiety, phobia and panic attacks, anger and impulsiveness disorders, depression, obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), sexual and sexual identity disorders, sleep disorders, eating disorders, personality disorders, adolescence behavioural disorders, group therapy, couple therapy, dissociative and schizofrenia disorders, life coaching.
Italian psychologist and clinical psychotherapist expert in Gestalt therapy , British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy member, member of Italian “ordine degli psicologi”.
I have 10 years experience both in public hospitals as in private practice; I have successfully treated dissociative disorders (schizophrenia and psychosis) and depression, anxious disorders e psychological support for adolescents and adults.
I have trained other psychologists and social workers in self-awareness methods to guide clients in reaching lifelong results I have competences in test preparation protocol and interview process.
- Psychotherapy
- Couple therapy
- Group therapy
- Psychological support
- Test and interview preparation protocol
- Family mediation