Mario Formisano

12 Harley Street, London, W1G 9PG Categories: Wellness Centre, Massages, HEALTH AND WELLNESS Massage therapist in Westminster Massage therapist in London

Mario graduated with a degree in Sports Science in 2009 and went straight on to qualify as a massage therapist and posture therapist.

He combines numerous techniques including deep tissue, sports massage, corrective exercises, myofascial release, stretching techniques and breathing exercises to provide his clients with their own tailored treatment plan to suit their individual needs.

He is well equipped to treats musculoskeletal conditions and is used to seeing clients with work related postural problems and chronic pain linked to it. There is a direct correlation between your posture and the quality of your health. Poor posture is the root cause of most pain including neck and shoulder aches, headaches, lower back pain, general stiffness and range of motion restrictions.

Due to his academic education in Sport Science, he also works regularly with athletes who need to stay in good shape and for prevention of typical sports injuries and their recidivism.

He also enjoys applying his skills to help those clients who just need some stress relief and relaxation.

Mario also qualified at performing postural sessions using the Mézières Method where he can proudly say he achieves very good results in solving the problems of poor posture and pain linked to it such as arthrosis, chronic back and neck pain, sciatica, cervicogenic headache. He have also used this method with athletes, dancers and performers for prevention of activity-related injuries and their recidivism.

Mario believes that the body should be treated as a “whole” and in getting to the ‘root’ of a problem.

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1 Comment on Mario Formisano

Report Subscribe 13/06/2015 10:45

Soffro da anni ormai di mal di schiena, dovuto ad un cattivo stile di vita. Alzarmi dal letto la mattina, significava trovare la giusta posizione per non sentire sentire dolori atroci proprio nella zona del coggige. Ho provato quasi di tutto, sia ginnastica correttiva che chiroterapia, e anche messaggi che davano pero' un solliveo momentaneo. Purtroppo il dolore dopo un po' ritornava, sembrava quasi non esserci soluzione. Ne ho parlato con Mario, lui ha ascoltato tutta la mia storia ed ha deciso di procedere su di me con il metodo Mezieres. Mi anticipo' che i risultati sarebbero arrivati col tempo e che sarebbero stati pero' permanenti, perche avrebbe fatto un reset delle mie posizioni abitudinarie. Mi ha inoltre insegnato a fare degli esercizi da eseguire da solo quotidianamente e anche come utilizzare la respirazione come sollievo e aiuto per l'esecuzione degli esercizi stessi. Sono ormai piu di 5 settimane che non ho piu i dolori di una volta e onestamente credo che i problemi vadano risolti dalla radice e non allievati. Grazie ancora Mario per avermi ridato la possibilita' di sentirmi piu' confident con il mio corpo.