Margot Nutrition

Categories: Dietician, HEALTH AND WELLNESS
Margot is a Registered Associate Nutritionist with AfN with a degree in psychology and nutrition, promoting high standards in evidence-based science and professional practice of nutrition. Margot supports your nutrition journey based on three key values: 1. Longevity: your new habits will be embedded so deeply that you no longer doubt yourself in making healthy choices. 2. Diversity: everyone’s journey is different. 3. Respect: respect, embrace and love yourself. Her 1:1 nutrition plan includes in-depth health and lifestyle assessment, symptoms, medical and family history, lifestyle and stress evaluation. Margot delivers presentations on various nutrition topics for corporate and companies that have the health of their employees in mind
Products and Services
  • Consultation 1:1
  • Cooking Lesson
  • Menu Plan and Diet
  • Food Diary Analysis
  • BIA body evaluation
  • Mindful Eating Strategies
  • Support Before and After Holidays

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