Luce e Limone

91-93 Gray's Inn Road, London, WC1X 8TX Categories: FOOD, Beer Beverages, Cafés Bars, Restaurant, Wine Italian restaurant in Camden Italian restaurant in London

Luce e Limoni is the symbolic return of owner Fabrizio Zafarana to his home, Sicily. It is the materialisation of a concept woven with beauty, local Sicilian cuisine and good taste. In a way, it is the repossession of Fabrizio’s roots.

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1 Comment on Luce e Limone

Report Subscribe 30/01/2015 09:58

I enjoyed reading the review by David L of his visit to Luce e Limoni almost as much as I enjoyed my own visit. I could not match it so this will be a short comment. I went with someone who had been on holiday in Sicily only a couple of months ago. He said it took him back to his enjoyable trip. I tried to rebook for the following week but they had an event on, so reservation is probably wise.