IMD Solicitors LLP

111 Piccadilly, Manchester, Regno Unito Categories: Lawyer Legal Firm, SERVICES PRIVATE AND B2B
We are a passionate and motivated team providing the highest quality legal services. We always strive to exceed our customers’ expectations – we pride ourselves on making a difference. We understand how difficult it can be to find a trusted lawyer, especially when it comes to sensitive personal matters. We aim to create a true connection with our clients by speaking to them in their native language whenever possible to help relieve the stress of the situation they are facing. We distinguish ourselves from our competitors by our commitment to making the lives of diverse communities and ethnic minorities better through our work in the legal sector. We speak Italian, and we have Italian lawyers on our team who will be able to help you resolve doubts and problems in the UK by speaking only your native language. Contact us without hesitation and we will be ready to answer all your questions.
Products and Services
  • Divorce
  • Pre-nuptial and post-nuptial agreements
  • Cohabitation agreements
  • Financial Matters
  • Children Matters
  • Child Abduction

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