Il Circolo – Italian Cultural Association London

London Categories: Clubs, Cultural Associations, EDUCATION AND CULTURE, Istituti Varie Italian Cultural Association in London Italian Cultural Association in the United Kingdom

Il Circolo Italian Cultural Association, founded in 1994, is a registered charity aiming to promote and enhance the knowledge of Italian culture in the UK.

Il Circolo runs a scholarships and donations programme to help young people in their research work. This year Il Circolo has raised funds for research on autoimmune diseases,such as rheumatoid arthritis, led by professor C. Pitzalis’ team at the William Harvey Institute.

Furthermore, Il Circolo has been able to extend its funding to the arts and is pleased to have cooperated in the restoration of some valuable paintings belonging to the  Italian Cultural Institute.

A publication has been produced to explain and illustrate the development of this project.

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1 Comment on Il Circolo

Alessia Affinita
Report Subscribe 09/01/2014 13:42

Ho lavorato con Il Circolo e posso dire che mettono il cuore e l'anima in tutto quello che fanno per la loro splendida associazione.