ENIT Italian Government Tourist Board
1 Princes Street, London, W1B 2AY, Categories: EDUCATION AND CULTURE, Istituti Varie Various Institutes in Westminster Various Institutes in LondonAs per Act n. 35 of March 14 2005, ENIT, formerly a government entity was transformed into a National Tourism Board and took on further institutional objectives to its already almost one hundred year old activity of promoting Italy as a tourist destination. ENIT has statutory autonomy with regards to management, accounting and organisation, under the direction of the Minister of Tourism.
- Promoting the various touristic aspects of each region
- Promoting the various touristic aspects of Italy as a whole
- Putting together promotional strategies on a national and international level, with the aim of informing countries abroad of what Italy has to offer as a tourist destination, thus stimulating tourism in Italy
- Providing consultation and assistance to the Italian State, the Italian Regions and to other public organizations with regards to tourist promotion of products, allowing them to tailor commercial strategies that allow Italy to present itself in an effective manner on the foreign markets
- Organising consultancy services, assistance and collaboration in favor of public and private bodies, therein including regional offices and agencies, to promote and to better develop the hospitality sector, as well as providing information to tourists
- Collaborating with the various diplomatic and consular offices of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
ENIT is regulated by the Decree of the President of the Republic 6 April 2006 n. 207 and follows the Statute adopted with the inter-ministerial Decree of December 10 2007.
ENITs role is fundamentally driven by two groups of clients:
- The collective need of both Italian and foreign business operations in the tourism sector: Tour operators and travel agencies
- The individual needs of hundreds of millions of foreign tourists, both potential and current.
About 42 million foreign citizens visiting Italy result in over 160 million overnight stays (as per ISTAT figures in 2008) and a revenue of almost 29 billion Euro (according to Banca d’Italia figures 2009). On a world scale, Italy occupies 5th place for international number of arrivals and 4th place for national revenue generated by tourism (as per UNWTO figures in April 2010).
- Supporting the ‘Italian Brand’
- Marketing support
- Study and research.