Clinica Ginecologica Italiana a Londra
10 Cromwell Place, Kensington, Londra SW7 2JN, Regno Unito Categories: Gynaecologist, HEALTH AND WELLNESS Italian gynaecological clinic in South Kensington Italian gynaecological clinic in LondonItalian gynaecological clinic in London
- Prof. Raffaello Monterosso
- Prof. Gedis Grudzinskas
Special services for women in music:
- singers
- instrumentalist
- dancers
- conductors
If your musical professional performing ability is badly affected by:
- The menstrual cycle (at any phase)
- The menopause
- Contraception
- Pregnancy
- Any gynaecological disease
You can book an appointment at the Italian Gynaecological Clinic.
The service is available also for women in all professions (Lawyers, Tea- chers, Speakers, Entrepreneurs a.s.o.) hampered by similar adverse symptoms (tension and irritability, loss of memory, depression, head-ache, tender breasts, decreased efficiency in the workplace, malaise).
Products and Services
- Gynaecological examination
- General gynaecology
- Family planning
- Well woman assessment
- Infertility assessment
- Endoscopic surgery
- Menopause medicine
- Andrology
- Abnormal smear