Ciao Bella

42 Portland St,Manchester,M1 4GS Categories: FOOD, Restaurant Italian restaurant in Manchester Italian restaurant in the United Kingdom

I Donato Loi as owner and chef have learnt all my recipes from my early ages from my mother who was an excellent cook.

I move up working in various Italian restaurants in Italy.

With my wife we have decided to transfer the real Italian flavour in Manchester. We strive to use best ingredients in our recipes.

We can sit 60 people and have 2 round tables for 8 or more for parties.

We have a good choice of Italian wines from Pinot Grigio, Verdicchio, Frascati etc. to our red like Barbera, Chianti, Montepolciano, Passetti, our best seller. We also have beautiful sparkling wines like lambrusco, prosecco and Champagnes.

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