Brevini UK Ltd

Kestrel Court, Centre Park, Warrington, WA1 1QX Categories: Industry, INDUSTRY AND ENVIRONMENT, Industrial Civil Engineering Hydraulic Products Industry in Warrington Hydraulic Products Industry in the United Kingdom

Brevini UK is part of the Brevini Group, specialists in power transmission engineering. The Group is a global manufacturer of planetary gearboxes, helical gearboxes, bevel/helical gearboxes, hybrid combination gearboxes, winches and hydraulic products. All of our industrial gearboxes are based on the best, most efficient drive system design.

With sites in Warrington, Cheshire and Scunthorpe, Lincolnshire, we provide a comprehensive range of medium to high torque drive solutions together with repair and maintenance services for both Brevini units and those of other manufacturers.

Drawing on the UK team’s extensive technical expertise, we offer a highly customer-focused approach to service that includes bespoke solutions as well as standard products. Our centralised stock of standard parts, thanks to Brevini’s modular construction, allows short lead times for a large number of sizes and variants.

Like all companies in the Brevini Group, our activities are underpinned by a commitment to engineering excellence, innovative solutions, quality, reliability and outstanding gearbox design.

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