Blue Ocean Coaching
12 Bridewell Place, London, EC4V 6AP Categories: Training Courses, SERVICES PRIVATE AND B2B Training Courses in St. Paul Training Courses in LondonWe create the right and proper context for a personal and professional development. We direct our attention to people, teams and companies that want to improve their present time in order to plan their future.
Coaching is an alchemic process able to turn the basic ingredients which every person and/or organisation has got, often without being totally aware, into something better. Two ingredients of the coaching are desire and awareness: the skill to underline them, giving them value and keeping them together in the right quantity, guarantees the alchemist coach’s success. Reality is made of quality in relations. The coach works among and within relationships and during our lifetime anybody has been a ‘natural coach’, though only for a moment. The coach’s ‘naturalness’ is the further ingredient making the result sure. If coaching proves to be so near and familiar this is thanks to its own naturalness and capacity in changing desires and promoting awareness.