Alessandra Costanzo | Private therapist

Vernon Road, Londra E15 4DG, Regno Unito Categories: Psychologist, Psychotherapist, HEALTH AND WELLNESS Italian psychologist in Stratford Italian psychologist in London
I am a licensed clinical psychologist in Italy and in UK, based in London who provides therapy in Italian and in English. I have many years of experience working in a variety of setting including clinical mental health and private practice. I work with both adults and adolescents, struggling with mood and anxiety disorders, trauma, relationship difficulties, body image disturbance, personality disorders and the emotional issues associated with life transitions. I offer my service to individuals, families and couples to fix their relationship issues. In particular with the couple my work is focusing on help you to rediscover the intimacy with your partner and make your relationship passionate and fun again.
This business is member of:
Products and Services
  • Individual Support
  • Couple and family therapy
  • Workplace therapy

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1 Comment on Alessandra Costanzo | Private therapist

Report Subscribe 31/10/2018 19:17

Ho intrapreso una terapia con Alessandra, che mi ha letteralmente salvato e a aiutato ad affrontare al meglio il mio trasferimento a Londra. Empatia e dolcezza le sue carte vincenti. Super consigliata!